Fanshawe College

location-pointer London, Ontario (ON), Canada



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What is one piece of advice you wish you had received before starting college?

12 Answers

Aug 15, 2024

Graduate Certificate in Technical Systems Analysis (Coop)

I wish someone had told me to prioritize self-care and mental health from the very beginning of college. It's easy to get caught up in the academic and social demands of college life, but taking care of myself emotionally and physically is crucial for long-term success and happiness.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Make friends with the Canadian students because they know the learning system better and will help you understand and navigate it because how they teach here is different from how we are taught back home.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Marketing

Cultural shock can sometimes leave you isolated and by being isolated this can lead to depression. Try to venture off an get involved in groups to meet people so you can be able to adapt

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Reflecting on my college experience back home, one piece of advice I wish I had received before starting abroad is to prioritize self-care and balance. While the academic journey may differ, maintaining a healthy equilibrium between studies, social interactions, and personal well-being remains vital for success, especially when navigating a new environment.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Interactive Media Design

Going back or starting to study once again in college is a new, challenging, and exciting experience for all students. Especially since this is a new country for individuals who came here internationally, the culture and curriculum are different from what's back home. I have been studying here in Fanshawe College since September 2023, and I learned how the program works, the criteria and requirements for each course, and how to overcome obstacles. My program revolves solely around projects and submissions, meaning we don't have many exams or tests. Therefore, the one piece of advice I would give to students, specifically the individuals in the Interactive Media Design program or the field of design in general, is to always ask questions when confused and read the instructions carefully. This is because if you miss one small detail, it can lower your overall score that you could have been easily prevented. Since we are also encouraged to communicate as much as possible with our professors, there's nothing to lose by just asking a simple inquiry that can solve a wide range of problems or future errors that may occur on your project. For the other programs, though, I would suggest to be prepared and enhance your skills in collaboration and communication, as most courses in all fields require reporting, presentations, and group work. So, being organized and having a plan ready to provide the best output of your work is key to succeeding in any program.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Learning how to deal with the stress led by exams, quizzes, assignments. And learning how to deal with study and life balance.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Web Development and Internet Applications

One piece of advice I wish I had received before starting college is to prioritize self-care and balance. It's easy to get caught up in academics and extracurricular activities, but taking care of your physical and mental health is crucial for success and overall well-being.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024


Being able to connect with someone like a digital ambassador, especially from my country, would allow me to comfortably inquire and ask questions about navigating being a student in a foreign country. It's better to familiarize oneself beforehand, and receiving suggestions and advice would really be a big help in meeting expectations.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

You're going to be exposed to so many new things, places, people and experiences that it'll be very easy to overstress yourself. Make sure to look after your health. Go to bed early. Take a half hour everyday to do something you enjoy.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Education (Early Childhood)

I wish I had received the advice of being prepared to have a lot of assignments and practicing on time management skills before starting college. I thought there would be just a couple of assignments for each course like mid-term and final. When college started, I realized there were about five plus assignments averagely for each course including but not limited to discussion, reflections, presentations, tests and paper work.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

There are many things that had to be overcome on their own, and mistakes cannot be avoided here. Here are some of them that I would discuss with someone who is just starting his way. 1) Driver's license. It is important to clearly understand their need, this process is time-consuming and financially expensive. 2) Bank card. It is important to carefully study the banks as there are many of them. Choose the one you need according to your needs and do not keep the cards constantly 3) Mobile communication. Just like with banks, there are a huge number of operators, and you should not take the first one that comes along. I would recommend using public Wi-Fi for the first time, which is available almost everywhere. This will allow you to communicate with others and choose an operator the first time without wasting time on constant re-registration. This is a very small part of what is worth knowing, as there are many things that will take up precious time unnecessarily, which does not cause positive emotions from being in Canada. Pay more attention to communication, this is the way to idealize life!

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Graduate Certificate in Business and Information Systems Architecture

One piece of advice I wish I had received before starting college is to prioritize self-care and balance. It's crucial to take care of your physical and mental health, as well as to find a balance between academics, social life, and personal interests. Finding this balance can help prevent burnout and enhance overall well-being throughout your college experience.

Student experience

What are some unexpected challenges you faced when moving to Canada, and how did you address them?

10 Answers

Aug 15, 2024

Transitioning to life in Canada presented unexpected hurdles such as adapting to new cultural norms, coping with the climate changes, and figuring out the healthcare system. To tackle these, I actively participated in community events, invested in appropriate clothing for the weather, connected with a family doctor, and leaned on my support network for advice and assistance, making the adjustment smoother and more manageable.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems Commercial Operations

Unexpected challenges when moving to Canada included cultural differences, adapting to the climate, and navigating immigration. I addressed them by participating in cultural orientation programs, engaging with local communities, preparing for the weather, and seeking guidance from immigration professionals.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Regulatory Affairs and Quality Operations

After moving to Canada, one of the biggest challenges I faced was gaining Canadian work experience. Finding a job is not always easy, and it can be even more difficult if it is specifically related to the field you are studying for. Networking in Canada is crucial because it will be easier if someone else can refer you. So, ask for help to the Career Services department at Fanshawe, so they can help you reviewing your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile, and try to connect with people from all the fields, because you never know who can help you.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Early Childhood Studies

There are lots of unexpected challenges I have faced when moving to Canada and one is searching for part-time jobs. Yes, there are endless opportunities here but I think what makes it a bit harder is the fact that there are also a lot of people doing the same thing with you. The competition is there and everyone is doing their best. When I am starting to feel hopeless, I just remind myself of my purpose of moving here. I go back to where it all started - my dreams and my future plans. Here you just have to be tough in order to survive.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Web Development and Internet Applications

Moving to Canada can present several unexpected challenges, such as adjusting to the weather, cultural differences, and navigating the healthcare system. To address these challenges, I made sure to research and prepare beforehand. I invested in appropriate winter clothing to combat the cold weather, immersed myself in Canadian culture by participating in local events and activities, and familiarized myself with the healthcare system to ensure I could access necessary medical care when needed. Additionally, I sought out support from local community groups and online forums to connect with fellow newcomers and receive valuable advice and assistance. Overall, proactive preparation and a willingness to adapt were key in overcoming these unexpected challenges and successfully settling into life in Canada.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Project Management

Before arriving in Canada, I assumed finding a place to live would be straightforward. Thus, I booked an Airbnb for a two-week stay, intending to secure permanent accommodation upon arrival. However, the reality proved more challenging than expected. Locating suitable housing took longer than anticipated, leading me to transition to another short-term rental before securing my current accommodation. I navigated through numerous websites to assess available options and pricing. Eventually, I took the lease agreement from the previous tenant, resolving the issue after investing approximately one and a half months into the process.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

The weather was one of the things that is quite hard for me. It shifts so drastically. It will affect your physical and mental state. I kind of struggle to adapt to them. But right now I'm good, try your best to stay warm by dressing with proper clothes, take some vitamins, don't skip meals, and do some exercise. I hope this will help you to overcome the challenges of studying abroad. Enjoy this moment.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Many bureaucratic aspects of the system are not expected, we had to adjust to the format. For example, getting a bank card does not take so much time and is easier than in European countries, but it is better to prepare in advance.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Advanced Diploma in Technical System Analysis

Challenges I faced when I moved to Canada include adapting to the weather, understanding cultural nuances, and navigating the healthcare system. Connecting with local communities, seeking support services, and staying informed about resources can help address these challenges.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Education (Early Childhood)

The biggest challenge I met was the bus schedule. I felt it was so random and the gap between two buses was much longer than I expected. Since I didn’t have e a car. That was the biggest challenge I needed to deal with. I checked on line and downloaded two apps recommended by others. And finally, I got used to the bus schedule and figured out a way to plan my trips more wisely.

Student experience

What are your favorite spots to study & hang out on campus?

10 Answers

Aug 15, 2024

Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology

There is a small lounge space beside Student Wellness Centre which is perfect spot for hangout and study. Homework labs in A and B buildings are also good for study.

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

I love the place outside near to Oasis the big windows up there is the best place to be. Whenever I go there I click pictures too.

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Business Studies

I like to spent lots time in college library for study, where I can get access to all required study materials. I love to hang out with my friends in campus cafeteria and playing basketball 🏀 with friends which makes my day.

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Healthcare Administration Management

You can study in our state-of-the-art library and can hang out in any part around you as there are a lot of recreational facilities around each community here in London

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Interactive Media Design

I think definitely checkout the campus store for affordable supplies and find a comfortably seat in the library.

Aug 15, 2024

Advanced Diploma in Cyber Security

My favorite spot is in student centre, the space is pretty clean and full of wi-fi, so it is good to use laptops,tablets,or phones.

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Mobile Application Development

My favourite spots in campus to study are home work lab in B building. And I would like to hangout with my friends at oasis which is in student wellness centre.

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Electromechanical Engineering Technician (Co-op)

The Homework labs are great for studying, you can study individually or in group in the study rooms that are there. Also you can look for the Mezzanine at T buildings, is a really quiet place.

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Digital Communications Management

My favourite spot is the Oasis cafeteria. Just because of its ambience.

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Early Childhood Studies

Probably the cafeteria because I can't study without food! :)

How do you maintain your mental health, and what tips do you recommend?

11 Answers

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Regulatory Affairs and Quality Operations

It is important to have a balance between studies, job and time to relax. I try to meditate every time I can. Also, working out and spending time with friends and family help me to release dopamine and feel less overwhelmed.

Student experience

Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology

Maintaining mental health in a totally new country where everything is new is definitely difficult. i’ve had many breakdowns but what kept me going was my purpose of coming here. Whenever I didn’t feel alright I take a time off or sleep or either cry and let it out or speak with my family and friends or most importantly I pray and heal my self. Trying to see the good in every situation and been grateful for what we have is the best therapy. It’s not easy but when we try doing that only positivity attracts and it’ll make your life easier.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Marketing

I maintain my mental health by taking a breather going for walks to clear my mind and the tip I would give is don't keep everything inside speak with someone who you can trust. When keeping everything in you will eventually get depress or stressed.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Project Management

I think the important thing is managing your time. I always have my little free time to relax myself even though I get many assignments or exams. For example, I like cooking so I always cook when I want to relax and it makes me feel better. Other people might have different preferences for relaxing such as watching movies, reading books, walking or playing sports. I would like to recommend anyone that tries to find what you like and don’t forget to give some time for yourself.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Interactive Media Design

Mental health is of the utmost importance, especially when studying in college as there are generally a lot of works around all the courses of the program. This includes assignments, quizzes, presentations, and projects. Therefore, maintaining this is a must to help us keep going with our studies and to have a break from all the stress once in a while. Some of the things I do to relax and rest my mind are watching a movie, eating out, playing video games, or just taking several naps to be energized afterwards. The great thing about Fanshawe and the Student Union is that they have entertaining activities such as free events, game shows, and fun elements. The college also has services that help with student's mental health, like counselling, wellness centres, and sports facilities, which I appreciate.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Graduate Certificate in Business and Information Systems Architecture

Prioritize self-care with activities like exercise, mindfulness, and quality sleep. Engage in hobbies, limit screen time, eat well, and challenge negative thoughts for overall well-being. To maintain physical distance, stay in touch with family and friends through frequent communication. Experiment with new recipes to enjoy delicious meals. Prioritize your college grades and put in hard work, as it brings satisfaction and happiness.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Post Graduate in Autism & Behavioural Science

To maintain my mental health there are a number of things I ensure I engage in to preserve my emotional wellbeing. 1. As often as I can I go to the gym/ do a sport with friends to ensure I relax and sweat a little. 2. There are times also where I go out to eat alone to recollect my thoughts. At times I will go out to eat with colleagues as their company is very freshing 3. I keep my religion close to me as it is a major part of my identity and it brings meaning to my day. 4. Lastly, I try to be kind to myself, not being to hard on myself yet always being ambitious and a go getter!

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Web Development and Internet Applications

As a college student, I prioritize self-care by staying active, eating well, getting enough sleep, connecting with friends, managing stress, seeking help when needed, and balancing screen time.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024


Maintaining mental health as an international student in Canada requires a multifaceted approach. It's essential to cultivate a support network, whether through friends, faculty, or counseling services offered by the university. Engaging in regular exercise and self-care activities helps manage stress, while staying connected to one's cultural identity through clubs and events fosters a sense of belonging. For incoming students, preparing mentally for the adjustment, researching available support services, and actively engaging with the local community can ease the transition. Additionally, maintaining communication with loved ones back home and staying informed about relevant regulations and resources are crucial for a successful and fulfilling experience abroad. Overall, prioritizing self-care, seeking support when needed, and embracing new opportunities for growth contribute to a positive mental health journey as an international student in Canada.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Food and Beverage Management

Take it one day at time. Do not worry too much. Always have a fun time Take a walk. Meet people that make you happy.

Student experience

Aug 15, 2024

Graduate Certificate in International Business Management

To maintain my mental health, I prioritize regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep. One tip I highly recommend is to establish a daily routine. Having a structured schedule can provide a sense of stability and control, which is crucial for maintaining mental health.

Student experience

What advice would you give students that are considering studying at Fanshawe College?

4 Answers

Aug 15, 2024

Joining Fanshawe is about more than just academics. It's just like another house, with hundreds of different kinds of activities. Faculties at Fanshawe understands various types of difficulties we face as students and are always willing to assist us with any issues. Overall, Fanshawe supports each and every student in building there better future.

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Early Childhood Studies

Fanshawe has an awesome culturally diverse community. If you decide to study at the college you will encounter professors that wants to see you successful. In addition there is career services that will help you create your resume, cover letter and to see job postings. Be prepared to succeed.

Aug 15, 2024

Diploma in Finance

Be ready for joining activities. Fanshawe offers plenty of activities to encourage students networking. Also, apply for Co-op program if it is available in your major. Fanshawe has connected with many businesses that provide Co-op for students.

Aug 15, 2024

You will have a wide range of opportunities in Fanshawe college; from athletic activities to rich libraries with valuable resources. So use your time smartly, plan weekly and monthly, and enjoy your student life.

What makes Fanshawe College a special place to study?

11 Answers

Jul 26, 2024

Post Secondary in Business Finance

Fanshawe College promotes diversity and inclusivity. You will not feel left out in or out of the classrooms. And aside from these, plus the obvious fact that the graduates are highly employable after graduating.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Diploma in Marketing

Fanshawe College is a special place to study because of its wide range of programs, its diverse student population, its commitment to career-oriented education, its dedication to student success, its modern facilities, and its personalized learning environment. With a wide variety of courses, including hands-on learning and online options, Fanshawe College encourages students to develop their skills and abilities to their fullest potential. The college also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports, and social events, that provide opportunities for students to connect and grow. Additionally, Fanshawe College's strong ties to the London community ensure that students have access to meaningful employment and networking opportunities.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Diploma in Interactive Media Design

The school is meant to help prepare and guide you into a degree program or any number of more specialized programs with more definitive career paths in mind. I regularly received emails about workshops/lectures/presentations/info sessions around campus...pretty much anything you can imagine, all geared toward helping us find our passions and deciding our next steps. As much as I loved attending classes, I also loved just walking around the campus, finding a spot to sit and read or study, and running into classmates or professors. Teachers were amazing - they always had time to answer questions and to give me the support I need.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Diploma in Nutrition and Food Service Management

Fanshawe college is a special institution to study at because most of the professors or chefs in my experience are alumni of Fanshawe and have all known or worked with each other at a point in their lives. This goes to show that Fanshawe college provides great opportunities for their students after school and they have a wide network for alumni everywhere which makes job seeking much easier.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

BMS in Business Management

I will say, the cultural mix,the learning style applied by the professors, -regular engagement ,feedback mechanism they apply and the environment also contributes to make learning experience easy.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Diploma in Early Childhood Studies

The diversity at Fanshawe College makes it a special place to study. It unites people coming from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs towards a common goal which is to provide quality education.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Diploma in Accounting/Business

First of all, the super positive environment around is what I personally like to sit and study at Fanshawe College. There are couple of spots that I like to sit everytime, one is in Building A and one is in Building T, which is the cafeteria. Obviously there must be more places as I haven't explored the whole college campus and as it was fully online so couldn't tell much more about the college campus life.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Post Graduate in Digital Communications Management

For me, personally, my experience with my Professors was special when I first came here. Even though we were having online delivery of classes, our professors did not fail to keep it engaging and encouraging. They were always appreciative of us. I was really impressed by the learning experience that I had here compared to what I had back home in India.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages

Fanshawe has earned such a good reputation amongst its students by providing a very supportive environment and high quality education. All the resources are very student-friendly here, the professors are supportive and encouraging, teaching is practicum based, there are lots of study areas. Additionally, there are fun activities and events held on a regular basis to help unwind from the academics. All of these things cumulatively make Fanshawe a very special place.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Post Graduate in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

I strongly believe that it is important to have studies and mental health hand in hand so that no stress is caused. Fanshawe has many facilities for recreation and mental health. The college provides the best quality education throughout from the beginning to the end, students comes out not only learning their programs but many things through that. Fanshawe supports diverse culture which is remarkable.

Student experience

Jul 26, 2024

Post Graduate in Construction Management

Fanshawe is one of the best places for an international student to start their Canadian journey with. Not just because of it being in London, which is a beautiful city but also because it is a public college which has great values in the industrial market.

Student experience

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