Economics tackles a broad range of problems, from barriers to economic development to international financial crises. An open-minded and scientific approach to these issues requires formal modelling of economic relationships, and testing hypotheses against data. The study of economics therefore involves developing problem-solving skills, including mathematical and statistical methods, and applying these skills without ever losing sight of the real world we seek to understand.The economics programmes at LSE aim to provide students with a thorough grounding in the analytical methods of economics and to develop their skills in applying these methods to a diverse range of problems, both microeconomic and macroeconomic, in analysing and constructing complex arguments and in communicating these effectively.
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Study options
Full Time
(3 Years)
Tuition fees
£28,176.00 (30,69,950)
per year
£28176 Per year
This is a provisional fee yet to be approved
Start date
September 2025
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street,
Entry requirements
For students from United States
Grade A* at A Level Maths is required. Further Maths is desirable, either as a full A Level or a 4th AS Level.
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.