The Department is interested in receiving applications in a wide range of Applied Linguistics Areas (please note: currently we can offer limited supervision in TESOL or ELT topics). Particular research strengths are focused on the study of institutional communication (for example, health and science communication), the relationships between politics, language and culture, and electronic communication.
Structure of the PhD Programme
The programme is normally a 3-year full time (or 6-year part time) research only PhD programme (i.e., there is no mandatory coursework component and students are expected to immediately start their research). In May of every year of the programme full-time PhD students are expected to pass an annual progress review.
All students are expected to participate in training and research activities organised by the department. Students also have the opportunity to present their ongoing research to the department.
*Price shown is for indicative purposes, please check with institution
September 2025
Queen Mary University of London
Admissions and Recruitment Office,
Mile End Road,
Tower Hamlets,
*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.
Students of all backgrounds can enjoy an exceptional education, and all the culture that London has to offer, if they choose to study at Queen Mary.