Geoinformatics and Geospatial Analytics, B.S.


What will I learn?

Saint Louis University’s Bachelor of Science program in geoinformatics and geospatial analytics prepares graduates for geospatial careers around the globe. It combines theory and practice to train the geospatial professionals of tomorrow.

SLU's Bachelor of Science in Geoinformatics and Geospatial Analytics from the Geospatial Institute and the Department of Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences is offered in cooperation with the mathematics and statistics and computer science departments. The B.S. in geoinformatics and geospatial analytics program trains students to be leading experts in the field of geospatial science. The program combines mathematical and geospatial theory with practical experience in computer science, geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing, and global position systems.

The program prepares students for the current and future challenges of the growing geospatial industry, and to meet increasing demands for experts in geospatial intelligence, geospatial analytics, spatial modeling and statistics, photogrammetry, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and more. As an applied science, SLU's B.S. in geoinformatics and geospatial analytics program focuses on modern, global issues such as the environment, society, and economy.

Students develop a foundation in mathematical and geospatial theory and computer programming, while applying GIS, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), remote sensing, geovisualization, spatial analyses and statistics, database management, and programming skills within the natural, social science, and physical sciences using innovative technologies and software programs

Learning Outcomes

Students will demonstrate the ability to use geographic information systems to analyze patterns in large, complex datasets.
Students will develop skills in communicating information regarding data, analyses, and graphics.
Students will show proficiency in remote sensing, including the ability to acquire, process and analyze remotely sensed data.
Students will become proficient in programming languages relevant to geographic information systems, remote sensing and computer science.


Graduates from programs in the Geospatial Institute (GeoSLU) are employed in careers in environmental science, remote sensing, GIS and geospatial intelligence fields. Recent graduates work for organizations such as ESRI, the National Geospatial Intelligence Administration and the United States Geological Survey,

Globally, the geospatial industry has a current growth rate of approximately 50% a year. The St. Louis region is emerging as a global center for innovative research and technology, particularly for geospatial technology. This is driven by a vibrant entrepreneurial community, excellent research universities, a robust network of established industry thought-leaders, and the presence of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA).

Which department am I in?

School of Science and Engineering

Study options

Full Time (120 Hours)

Tuition fees
$52,260.00 (44,09,382) per year
Start date

Expected January 2026


School of Science and Engineering



63103, United States

Entry requirements

For international students

To be considered for admission to any Saint Louis University undergraduate program, applicants must be graduating from an accredited high school, have an acceptable HiSET exam score or take the General Education Development (GED) test.

English Language Proficiency:

International English Language Testing System (IELTS): 6.5

Pearson Test of English (PTE): 54

Computer-based TOEFL (IBT): 80

Paper-based TOEFL (PBT): 550

*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.