Below are all the universities in Germany. We have the most comprehensive database of universities in the world, so understandably it’s a long list. To make things easier, you can search further by popularity, reviews, place in world rankings and by those which offer English courses. Start your search today to find the perfect course abroad!
Technische Universität München or the Technical University of Munich is popularly known as TUM is consistently ranked among the top universities in Europe. TUM was established in 1868 and was among...
RWTH Aachen University was established in 1870 and is a research-oriented technological university based out of Aachen in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 'Aachen Way' is a tried and tested technique that...
The University of Stuttgart was established in 1829, this was an important time in Europe when the industrial revolution was in full swing. The University celebrated its 175th anniversary with great...
The University of Bayreuth was established in 1975, based out of Bavaria, the town of Bayreuth is a scenic location with a population of about 70,000 people. Bayreuth is well connected to all leading...
The Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen was established in 1477. Tubingen is a 'university town' and home to over 28,300 German and international students. The University comprises seven faculties,...
English courses available
The formal name of the University of Gottingen is Georg-August-Universitat-Gottingern and is named after the local ruler George Augustus of Hanover who helped found the University in 1734. Göttingen...