Whom to ask for a letter of recommendation

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3 best persons to ask for a Letter of Recommendation

An LOR can make or break a chance for college admission abroad. Find out whom you can approach for a Letter of Recommendation and how.

Mahesh Ramani

Mahesh Ramani is a senior content editor for the Hotcourses India- an IDP company.


04 Feb 2022 23.9K Book icon 4 mins Share
04 Feb 2022 23.9K Book icon 4 mins Share
Whom to ask for a letter of recommendation

Based on requests from our readers and the feedback provided by students, we have come up with a series of articles that focus on an important component of international student admissions — the letter of recommendation! Each article in this series will look at a specific aspect of the LORs and help students find answers to questions related to LORs.

What is an LOR?

The 'Letter of Recommendation' or LOR as it is popularly known, is an important part of every international student’s admission application. It is a letter written to recommend a person for their skills and qualities. In the case of educational institutions abroad, these letters give them an insight about the candidate beyond what is mentioned in their resume. It should describe the student’s character, skills and academic or employment performance while also highlighting the relationship between the student and the referee.

Most institutions require a minimum of two if not more LORs to be submitted. Some institutions also mention who the referee should be. So be sure to read the requirements carefully before approaching potential referees. In the case of students with no work experience, LORs are mostly provided by their professors.

How to shortlist an ideal referee to write an LOR for you

You can ask your professor for a letter of recommendation

You might be able to think of several people who might be willing to refer you. But how would you pick them? Who would be the best person to write an LOR for you?

A LOR should not be taken lightly; asking friends and relatives to write a LOR would be detrimental to your application. Here are some aspects to keep in mind while deciding on your referee and some pointers to help you pick the right people to write an LOR for you.

1.Your association with your referee

  • You should have worked closely with your referee. Ideally, they should have been your lecturer or academic guide.
  • Someone who has academically evaluated you will be in a better position to talk about your performance and growth.
  • If you were employed in an organisation, an LOR from a manager or a direct reporting authority would be good.

2.How well they know you

  • It would be good to request LOR to a person with whom you have a good rapport. You should feel comfortable asking them for an LOR. It is not necessary that they know the nuances about you. But it would be great if they know your potential and your ambitions.
  • It is important that they have a good impression of you as their notions about you will seep into the letter.
  • Getting a LOR from someone who shares a ‘love-hate relationship’ with you is pointless as the referee may provide negative feedback.
  • You must also ensure that the referee knows the course that you plan to study. It will be comical if you aspire to study nuclear physics and the referee writes something to the effect — 'He/she plans to study Bio-chemistry…'

3.Their willingness to write an LOR for you

  • Getting an effective LOR is not only dependent on your personality and skills or the relationship you share with the referee, but also on their willingness to set aside time for you. This would be a time-bound task and they might have to rework the LOR if required.
  • They have a huge responsibility of crafting a well-written LOR as your college admission might depend on it. Best would be to get an LOR from someone who has a flair for writing; a poorly written LOR creates a bad impression. We have some sample Letters of Recommendation for your reference.

In short, whom can you ask for an LOR?

the best referees would be your academic supervisors, lecturer/professor or the immediate reporting head you have prior work experience. The LOR should highlight your merits, efficiency, and leadership skills; and present a positive picture of your personality to the reader.

How to ask for a Letter of Recommendation?

Speak to the referee in person to request an LOR

  • If your institution demands 2 or more LORs, you should have a list of 8 or more people who can be your best advocates.
  • When you contact them with the request, it is best to meet them in person. If that would not be possible, the next best thing to do is to pick up the phone and talk, rather than email. It also gives you an opportunity to express your goals and ambitions that could make way into the LOR.
  • Though they might know your interest in studying abroad, tell them why you want to study what you want to study. Use the opportunity to express your goals and ambitions that could eventually influence the LOR.
  • If you intend to submit an LOR written by a former employer, you can request them to highlight your career achievements.
  • Watch out for their response. It is great if they are equally enthusiastic and agrees to write an LOR for you. But if they seem pressed for time, it is best to pick another referee.

Your advocates should be best placed to provide a good description of your skills through a strong Letter of Recommendation.

What not to do!

Before we go, here are some crucial tips on what not to do when getting an LOR.

NEVER fake a LOR by writing the letter on your own and simply adding someone else’s signature to it. It is legally a crime, and the repercussions will not be pleasant.

Getting a LOR from a reputed person, whether an academic or celebrity, under whom the applicant has not studied/worked may be construed as a gimmick by the admissions officers and may backfire.

If you are still left with questions, why don’t you check out some tips to help you get the best LOR for higher studies? All the best with your study abroad journey!

Editor's note: This article was originally published in August 2015. Our content writer Roshna Mohan has edited it to include up-to-date information and made it comprehensive.

Need help preparing LOR?

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