
Award value

See below


Funding type

Other Discount



Contact expert


Study level

Undergraduate, Postgraduate

About this scholarship

Awarding Institution

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Number of awards

Not specified

What does this scholarship cover?

  • Tuition fees

More details on the scholarship

Please contact the provider

Entry requirements


All International


Applicable to all genders

Delivery mode

In Person

Selection approach

Only selective applicants are considered

Study mode

Full Time

Intake year

All intakes

Other criteria

Academic excellence

Course subject and study level you are applying for

Subject area(s)*

Not subject specific

Study level


Subject area(s)*

Not subject specific

Study level


Other eligibility requirements

Most merit-based scholarship programs require that you be enrolled full time and maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. Most scholarships are renewable, but some are not. To continue receiving renewable scholarships, you must continue to meet the scholarship criteria as set forth in the scholarship agreement. However, because some external scholarships funds are determined by the value from the market, there could be occasions where a scholarship may have funds one year and not in a subsequent year if the market is unfavorable. Students will be notified if they are impacted ahead of time so that other options are explored.

For most scholarship programs, NJIT monitors whether a scholarship can be renewed after the spring semester. General scholarship requirements are the following:

  • Continuous full-time enrollment;
  • Meet the standards of Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA (at time of the annual review in June) and attain a minimum 3.0 GPA for each and every semester;
  • Not exceed the maximum terms (4-years for non-Architect students and 5-years for Architect students and 3 years for accelerated programs), including the number of years/semesters you have already taken.
  • Combination of grants and scholarships awards does not exceed student bill tuition charges or the amount the funds were intended to pay for. 

Selection basis

Students are shortlisted based on their

  • Academic excellence
  • Financial need/hardship

How to apply

Application process

You will be automatically considered for scholarship eligibility when you apply for the relevant course at this institution

Application details (from the awarding institution)

For further information, please contact the university website.

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