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Hi, I’m Nikol an international student from Europe. I followed my passion to study marine biology 🐋. I started my Griffith journey back in 2018 when I did few weeks of English at GELI, that allowed me to start my Bachelor of Science, after which I done one year Honours degree. And now I’m in my first year of my PhD where I look at the impact of microplastics in coral reefs. I’m happy to share my story with you and answer any questions you might have!
View my posts👋 hello there! Just when I thought life was getting stale, moving to a new country and starting my university journey brought me more rejuvenation I would have ever dreamed of. Can't wait to share my experiences around Nathan and Brisbane with you.
View my postsHi! ☺️ I’m Shirley from China🇨🇳 and have lived on the Gold Coast for more than 10 years. I’m currently studying Master of Dentistry at Griffith University, Gold Coast campus. I love the beach and nature of the Gold Coast city. 🌿🍀🌸🌻And Griffith University has created a lovely and friendly environment for me to settle in and study.😊 🌠🎇🌌有什么关于Griffith大学的问题都欢迎问我哦!Griffith大学についてなんでも聞いてくださいね!メッセージ待ってます
View my postsWe’re working on bringing you the best insights, information and student voices!
We’re working on bringing you the best insights, information and student voices!