Arabic and Classical Studies (year abroad) MA (Hons)



What will I learn?

Arabic MA

Whilst St Andrews does not offer Arabic as a single Honours degree, you can take Arabic in combination with a wide variety of other subjects as part of a joint Honours degree. It is useful to study Arabic, by far the most commonly used language of the Middle East, alongside almost any subject as it offers the opportunity for comparative analyses between different languages, literatures, cultures, histories, politics and economics.

By choosing to study Arabic, you will learn the language of the Arabic media as well as classical and modern Arabic languages and literature. All Arabic modules prioritise building a high level of competence in language skills, and after completing the first two years of your course, you will be able to read, write and converse in basic Modern Standard Arabic.


Graduates in Arabic go on to a wide range of careers for which an Arts degree is a recognised qualification. Graduates of the Department have become:

  • academics in international institutions
  • civil servants in government departments (notably the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the US State Department)
  • employees in non-governmental organisations and international companies
  • human rights lawyers
  • journalists.

The Careers Centre offers one-to-one advice to all students as well as a programme of events to assist students to build their employability skills.

Classical Studies

The MA (Hons) in Classical Studies is a degree of remarkable range and depth. It includes not only the study of Greek and Roman literature but also the social and cultural history of the classical world, its philosophy, religion and art, and the reception of Greek and Roman culture in the modern world. Classical studies at St Andrews will allow you to discover and debate – among many other things – the power of Greek tragedy, the imposing beauty of Roman sculpture and the twists and turns of Platonic dialogue. The course encourages new ways of seeing both the classical world and the world of today.

All classical texts are studied in English translation. There is no requirement for ancient languages. There are opportunities to learn both Latin and Greek at beginner’s or more advanced levels and to take them further if you wish to. You will also be able to supplement your classical studies courses with complementary subjects such as ancient history, archaeology, and ancient philosophy.


Classical studies students at St Andrews have traditionally moved into a very wide range of careers upon graduating. Some continue their academic careers via a postgraduate training degree or doctoral study either in St Andrews or at another university. Other students have often progressed to postgraduate qualifications in teaching, law or finance.

Recent classical studies graduates have moved into careers in:

  • law
  • marketing
  • museums and heritage
  • journalism
  • the theatre
  • civil service
  • teaching
  • finance
  • applied computing.

Which department am I in?

Modern Languages

Study options

Full Time (5 Years)

Tuition fees
£30,160.00 (US$ 38,950) per year
£30160 Per year

This is a provisional fee yet to be approved
Start date

September 2025


Main Site

16 St Katharine's West,

St Andrews,

KY16 9AX, SCOTLAND, Scotland

*There may be different IELTS requirements depending on your chosen course.