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Award value

See below


Funding type

Other Discount




Study level


About this scholarship

Awarding Institution

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin

Number of awards

12 per year (avg)

What does this scholarship cover?

  • Accommodation
  • Cost of living
  • Travel tuition
  • Tuition fees

More details on the scholarship

Please contact the provider

Entry requirements


United States


Applicable to all genders

Delivery mode

All types of delivery mode

Selection approach

All eligible students

Study mode

Full Time

Intake year

All intakes

Other criteria

Mature students

Course subject and study level you are applying for

Subject area(s)*

Not subject specific

Study level


Other eligibility requirements

Candidates for the Mitchell Scholarship Program must meet all the following criteria:

Be U.S. citizens
Be 18 years of age or older, but not yet 30, on the 30th September of the year of application (those who turn 30, on the 1st October are not eligible).
Have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before beginning study as a Mitchell Scholar. Degrees from international accredited universities are acceptable, if all other conditions are met.
While married applicants or applicants with partners are accepted, no allowance is made for the expenses of an applicant’s spouse, partner, or dependents. It is important to note that the relevant government agency may require spouses or partners who are non-EU citizens to enroll full-time and prove financial resources for the year or to obtain a work permit before seeking paid employment in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Please check with the Department of Foreign Affairs (Ireland) or the British Council (UK) for details.

How to apply

Application process

You need to apply separately for this scholarship

Application details (from the awarding institution)

For further details, please contact the university website.

Other scholarships at this university

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