See below
Other Discount
Contact Institution
Undergraduate, Postgraduate
University of Canterbury
Not specified
The value will not exceed the fees for 1.00 EFTS of study (the equivalent of one year of full-time study)
All International
Applicable to all genders
All types of delivery mode
Only selective applicants are considered
Full Time
All intakes
Academic excellence
The purpose of this scholarship is to recognise and support academic excellence by Honours and Master’s students in History at the University of Canterbury.
Applicable Enrolment During Tenure: The scholarship is tenable during full-time or part-time enrolment in a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in History, or Part I of a Master of Arts in History
Value/Benefits: Financial assistance to the equivalent of University of Canterbury tuition fees for the recipient's programme of study at the domestic rate. The value will not exceed the fees for 1.00 EFTS of study (the equivalent of one year of full-time study)
Tenure: One year for full-time study. Up to two calendar years for part-time study
Number Available Annually: One or more
Students are shortlisted based on their
You need to apply separately for this scholarship
Closing Date: 5:00 pm (NZT) 31 March (Applications open approximately 8 weeks before this date)