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Tips to help you get the best letter of recommendation for your higher studies

Don’t know how to get a letter of recommendation for higher studies abroad? Here are our tips to help you decide whom to ask, how to ask and pointers for the perfect LOR.

Kavitha Vijeyavelan

Hello there. Kavitha Vijeyavelan, is the lead content editor handling all editorial processes for Hotcourses India- an IDP company. Having started out an (other) engineer turned writer, she has a never ending hunger for chocolates ( & counting calories ironically), quotes, & stories worth sharing with the world. Her favorite quote at the moment: "why squeeze into glass slippers when you can shatter the glass ceiling?"


12 Mar 2021 46.2K Book icon 6 mins Share
12 Mar 2021 46.2K Book icon 6 mins Share
Letter of recommendation for Indian students

Finally, you’re going through the application process for your shortlisted universities (after what seemed like a lifetime of Uni search and course analysis) and oh-oh. There it is — staring right back at you from the “To Be Submitted” list of your application — the Letter of Recommendation. And they don’t stop with asking you for one — no, they want two or three. Starting to stress out over the what’s why’s and how’s of getting a letter of recommendation for higher studies? Well, perhaps we could be of help here. Read on and if you need more guidance, you can speak to our counsellors.

Why do you need a Letter of Recommendation?

Post submission of numerous documents for the application process, you wonder, “What more could they want to know about me?” A recommendation letter will tell them more about the real you that test scores and grades may fail to do. There are different types of LORs. An LOR shows that there are people willing to speak on your behalf and share their opinion about you. Ultimately, it will help the university form an opinion of their own. The right Letter of Recommendation will present you to the university in the best possible light — highlighting all your abilities and skills.

There are certain information that the universities look for in an LOR. Bear in mind that there may be many applicants with similar scores and the Letter of Recommendation is your chance to help your application stand out. Being another face in the crowd could cost you your admission — so use this as an opportunity.

What difference will it make to your application?

For starters, tell us which of the two short samples appeal to you!

Letter 1: “Sandhya is a studious and quiet student who has received A’s on all my tests. She turns in excellent extra-credit assignments”.

Letter 2: “Sandhya is an intelligent student who engages me in conversation after class about books that she reads. She doesn’t have the highest average in my class but has a true passion for learning, and her paper on herbal medicines was thoroughly researched and very well-presented.”

Letter 2 wins hands down right? That is very much the point we are making here. The Letter of Recommendation shouldn’t be too generic because universities will receive many such letters that wouldn’t serve the purpose. Hence how you word the letter of recommendation correctly is the key.

Deciding whom to ask for an LOR – Look for the good recommenders!

Tips to help you get a letter of recommendation for higher studies.

Figuring out which lecturer to ask for an LOR is a huge deal as this could make all the difference to your future.  So how do you decide whom to ask and filter out whom NOT to ask? Here are a few pointers for you. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to our study abroad experts.

  • First of all, read your college application requirements carefully. Have they asked you for recommendation letters from lecturers or teachers of a specific subject? Then get at it.
  • You can get suggestions from your family, friends, teachers or even your advisor about who they feel would make good referees.
  • You should choose someone who has known you for a considerable amount of time. Wait, hold it right there — we don’t mean a teacher from your junior high days. Even though we know you may be tempted to. Someone from too many years back is not a good idea, as the universities want to get an idea of what the present you are like. You can pick someone outside of your academic circle such as your employer or even ask a lecturer who advised you to get into debate club.
  • This one may be kind of a given but somehow students tend to overlook this factor: Is the lecturer you are asking enthusiastic about writing you one? If their response is somewhere along the lines of, “I will think about it”, or, “Maybe”, then there you have the answer — NO! That’s your red signal — when a teacher hems and haws. Try asking someone else because the last thing you need is a lukewarm letter that is no good for you. Still unsure what to make of their responses? Ask them directly if they feel comfortable with it.
  • Did you think that asking the lecturer in whose class you get straight A’s was the best choice? Hmmm…we can tell you that may not get you the best letter. Try this – ask a lecturer, in whose class you may have initially struggled, but you managed to impress them later with your hard work and dedication. This could be the best option you have at hand. This will really bring out the potential in you — and that right there is what we need to capture in that letter.
  • Thinking of getting a letter from some political candidate whose office you may have volunteered at recently? That might not be a good idea if that person does not know you very well on a personal level. It’s going to show and the letter might be filled with fluff. Watch out — that’s the very last thing we want.
  • One more thing that could absolutely and mercilessly kill your application is when a recommendation denounces your abilities — yikes! This seems to be happening more and more now as students don’t put a lot of effort into finding the right person to ask. No harm in being careful — it is your future at stake.

The right way to ask for a letter of recommendation

Is there a right way to ask for a letter of recommendation for higher studies? Is it enough that you message them your request and expect them to work on it? True, you should follow up with your lecturers once they agree to write you one, but nagging is a big no-no. You have to consider the fact that, aside from their usual classes and meetings, this is an added task for them and it comes with a huge responsibility. They may be writing a pile of these for many students as well, so give them the due respect and time needed. It is advisable for you to give them the task one month ahead of time at least. Rushing them for a letter in the last minute won’t give you the desired results you’re looking for.

Inform them gently of the timeline and provide them any supportive materials you have, such as your resume (briefly outlining your achievements — academic and non-academic.)

Pointers for writing an LOR - A Stroll down the memory lane!

Many lecturers may be familiar with writing recommendation letters and maybe writing for students every year, but it would be best if you also had a chat with them about some of your positive points. Just quickly refresh their memory by:

  • Dropping in a word or two about your participation in class.
  • Pointing out a few projects you’ve done that you are proud of.
  • Talking about how you overcame some challenges you faced.
  • Stating how much you learnt in class.
  • Asking them to discuss the areas you have shown improvement substantially.
  • Share instructions, if you have any, about the structure, word count and other requirements.
  • If possible, share some sample LORs for those who are new to writing recommendation letters.

What next?

If you are filling up an online application to a university in the USA, you are most likely to encounter this question, "Do you wish to waive your right to examine this Letter of Recommendation?"

We advise you to waive your rights, and no we don’t mean in a court of law — your rights to see the letter, that is! You’d be surprised at how much more comfortable the lecturer will be if it is confidential, in fact some may even insist on it — so go ahead and do it. Admissions committees give these letters more weight as the letter has more probability of being candid when the student involved can’t read it.

Be Nice, don’t forget to say thanks!

Say thank you to people who give you a letter of recommendation for higher studies abroad.

You receive an offer letter from your dream university! In all the excitement, don’t forget to tell your lecturer that you received an admit because yes, they do want to know! One more thing, make sure you thank them for the letter — you couldn’t have done this without their help as well. Always be thankful to those who have helped you!

These are a few of our suggestions to help you get a stellar letter and prove to the admissions committee your true potential! We hope you have found these tips useful. 

Also feel free to come to us for any other questions you may have about your study abroad quest. We are here to make your life easier! Our counsellors are on standby, to help you with your study abroad journey. Feel free to get in touch with us.

Editor's note: This article was originally published in February 2016. We have included up-to-date information and made it comprehensive.

Need help preparing LOR?

Aanchal Katyal Aanchal Katyal,
IDP Expert
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